Neutral Garden | Hero Garden | Dark Garden
Photo Album

Chao Garden

Mel the Numbat, holding a neutral chao and a hero chao stands at their feet

"Heyo! I'm Mel, chao guardian. Welcome to my chao gardens! Feel free to look around and get to know my many chao."

My Sonic Adventure 2 Battle chao gardens are heavily modded. I mostly use Chao World Extended and Enhanced Chao World, along with some other smaller mods. If something you see looks unfamiliar or impossible, that's why.

I will be adding profiles for each chao over time.

Screenshot of the neutral garden waterfall with text that reads 'Neutral Garden' Screenshot of the hero garden fountain with text that reads 'Hero Garden' Screenshot of the dark garden pool with text that reads 'Dark Garden' Screenshot of Tails petting three chao with text that reads 'Photo Album'